Welcome Sydney Holt. She is a professional cosplayer who will be a judge for the Mulberry Comic Con Cosplay Contest this year. Check out her social media sites for great Cosplay Entertainment!
​Elli Kelley
2 nerds in love
Say hello to one of our cosplay contest judges and panelists,
Elli Kelley a professional cosplayer coming all the way from Benton, AR.
Click her social media links for extra Cosplay Entertainment.
Melinda is the creator of the online comic, Bark Trek. It is a parody comic set in a Star-Trek-like universe featuring a canine crew aboard the USS SCRATCH-N-SNIFF.
Krav Maga is a practical and realistic self-defense system that teaches how to prevent, deal with and overcome all kinds of violence and attacks. Krav Maga prepares the trainees in the subjects of self-defense, self-protection, fighting and combat skills, as well as skills to defend others, all in unique and comprehensive teaching ways.
Live Demonstrations @
12:30 & 2:30
​DZ 6296
Paul W Robinson
Please help us welcome Paul W. Robinson. He is a Tuskin Raider costumer with the DIAMOND GARRISON of the 501st LEGION-Vader's Fist. The garrison serves the state of Arkansas area.
​TK 30891
William J Thorman
Please help us welcome William J. Thorman. He is a costumer with the DIAMOND GARRISON of the 501st LEGION-Vader's Fist. The garrison serves the state of Arkansas area. He has been graciously deployed to our Con!
​TD 92008
Donald M Agee
Please help us welcome Donald M. Agee. He is a costumer with the MEPD (Mos Eisley Police Department Sandtrooper Detachment) DIAMOND GARRISON of the 501st LEGION-Vader's Fist. The garrison serves the state of Arkansas area. He has been graciously deployed to our Con!
Juanita Orrahood
Please help us welcome Juanita Orrahood. She is a costumer with the KESSEL BASE of the REBEL LEGION. The Base serves the tri-state area of Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
Mike DeFoore
Please help us welcome Mike DeFoore. He is a costumer with the MANDALORIAN MERCS!